6th Neurological Mission 2014
July 28, 2014
July 28, 2014
What happend during the mission?
We evaluated a total of 115 patients with neurological complaints. Most of the patients were from urban and rural areas of the Napo Province. Of the total number of patients evaluated, 104 had epilepsy, 51% were under 12 years old. A total of 40 EEGs were performed, as well as 10+ CT scans. Medications were available continuously free of charge in the local hospital pharmacy.
Team of Volunteers
Dr. Sebastian Espinosa, North Oaks Hospital, LA
Dr. Daniel Correa, Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Fort Gordon, Georgia
Dra. Elisa Jacome-Ecuador
Dr. Ines Fernandez- Hospital Velasco Ibarra Tena Ecuador
Melanie Cabezas-University of Florida
Sebastian Espinosa, High School student-USA
Viviana Briones-Registration- Hospital Velasco Ibarra Tena Ecuador
Dr. Kevin Shapiro, USF-CA
Dr. Esteban Ortiz –Ecuador
Andres Salom, EEG Tech-BWH
Dr. Yaira Garzon-USA
Holly Pobolish-North Oaks Neurology, LA
Mariana de Garzon-Ecuador
Hospital Residents
Dr. Stephen Ryan, University of Kentucky
Dr. Esteban Bonilla-Ecuador
Dr. Oscar Pacheco-BWH
Yaira Espinosa-Elemetary student-USA
Camila Burbano, Ecuadorian Medical Student-Ecuador
Alexandra Cadena -Pediahabilidad –Hospital Velasco Ibarra Tena Ecuador
Hospital Nurses-Tena, Ecuador