7th Neurological Mission 2015
July 27, 2015
May 31, 2015
What happend during the mission?
We evaluated a total of 162 patients with neurological complaints. Most of the patients were from urban and rural areas of the Napo Province. A total of 30 EEGs were performed. Medications are available continuously free of charge in the local hospital pharmacy. In the last 8 years we have evaluated and treated over 2024 patients and performed over 388 EEGs. The opportunity to share your knowledge with Ecuadorian colleagues and patients.
Team of Volunteers
Dr. Patricio Sebastian Espinosa, Marcus Neuroscience Institute, FL
Andres Salom, EEG Tech, BWH
Dr. Ines Fernandez- Hospital Velasco Ibarra Tena Ecuador
Sarah Barnard-Research Coordinador-USA
Viviana Briones-Registration- Hospital Velasco Ibarra Tena Ecuador
Dr. Jessy Tenemasa-Tena
Dr.Nestor Arias-Tena
Dr. Carolina Duran-Tena
Dr. Kevin Shapiro-USF-CA
Patricia Francis , EEG Assistant, Boston-USA
Dr. Yaira Garzon, USA
Mariana de Garzon-Ecuador
Dr. Mayra Chancusig-Tena
Dr. Jose LLamuca-Director HJMVI
Romina Rueda-Tena
Dra. Elisa Jacome-Ecuador
Dr. Oscar Pacheco-Ecuador
Yaira Espinosa-Elementary sudent-USA
Melanie Molina, College student-Ecuador
Dr. Alex Melendez-Tena
Dr. Ivan Ocampo-Tena
Dr. Daniel Arias-Tena